Our Story
Established in 2020, Clear Stream Zendo is a new group in Eugene, Oregon, which began during the Covid Pandemic with the benefit of Zoom technology. People join in and practice together on Zoom from all over the U.S. This year we have added in-person zazen in Eugene Oregon. Our members are all ages and backgrounds. The common thread is a curiosity to investigate who and how we are and to share and learn from each other. Sensei Futai guides with wisdom enriched by a long life of practice and leaves titles and dogma at the door.

Futai Robertson Sensei
Futai began practicing with Maezumi Roshi at the Zen Center of Los Angeles in 1971. He lived at the center and was on staff in the late 70’s and throughout the 80’s doing formal koan study with Maezumi Roshi and other teachers in the lineage. In 2020, Futai received Dharma Transmission from Jitsudo Ancheta Roshi, a Dharma Successor of Maezumi Roshi, who also received Inka from Bernie Glassman Roshi. Currently, Futai is a member of the White Plum Asangha, the organization of Zen teachers descended from Maezumi Roshi.
From the late 80’s until retiring in 2015, Futai’s primary practice was his family, caring for his business “Zen Plumbing,” and his work as Senior Building Inspector for the City of Los Angeles. In 2015 he retired to the Eugene area with his wife Senkei. Futai is now the teacher at Clear Stream Zendo.

Historic Location
Clear Stream Zendo practices in-person Zazen at the historic McNail-Riley House located at 601 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97402. The McNail-Riley house was first built in 1889 on 10th and Mill Street for Amanda McNail , a local milliner, who operated her colorful millinery shop "The Temple of Fashion." The McNail-Riley house survived two moves through Eugene, Oregon and has been beautifully restored and maintained throughout the years by the City of Eugene and volunteers. Today, the McNail-Riley house hosts several community and group events, including in-person gatherings for Clear Stream Zendo.​​