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The Forth Great Bodhisattva Vow.

This week’s topic for reflection is the Fourth Great Bodhisattva Vow, the Buddha Way is boundless Compassion, may we realize and actualize this together. First return to and review the previous three Bodhisattva Vows to arrive at our starting off point.

Now let’s look at the Buddha way is boundless compassion. The key word here is boundless. Boundless is without inside or outside boundary, without a subject (me or mine) or separate object (you or it). This boundless compassion is able to respond with selfless compassion because giver, receiver and gift are one. This compassion does not involve gain or loss or for that matter does not necessarily fix anything. I think we all have had or experienced this kind of compassion. This compassion is clear or clean and always happens in the moment.

This compassion is realized and actualized together. It’s spaciousness allows free functioning to see what is and to respond without self-consciousness. This compassion happens naturally hence the conjunction, may we. If we get out of the way and see with our eyes and feel with our heart an appropriate response can occur. Just don’t try to take credit for this or you will muddy the water.

Sometimes we need to give ourselves the gift of compassion.

Please join us on Zoom for morning zazen from 7:00 to 7:30 Tuesday and Thursday, in person Zen meditation in Eugene Saturday morning at the McNail-Riley house from 9;00 to 11:00 and Sunday morning Zoom zazen and discussion of the topic for reflection blog from 8:00 to 9:00 Pacific Time. Here’s the Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 811 6100 3357

Passcode: 278259



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