Clear Stream Zendo Offers a Number of Ways to Practice Together

Zazen - In Person
We offer group in person zazen meditation on Saturday mornings from 9:00 to 11:00 at the McNail-Riley House in Eugene Oregon. Meditation instruction is provided on request at 8:30. The McNail-Riley House is located at 601 W. 13th Ave. Eugene Or. 97402 across from the lane Event Center. See the "Calendar" tab for specific dates and times, or email us at clearstreamzendo.@gmailcom
Zazen - Zoom
Founded during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Clear Stream Zendo offers a safe and easy way for everyone to meet via Zoom several times a week. Zoom meetings allows Clear Stream to reach individuals who would otherwise be unable to attend. We offer morning zazen meditation on Zoom Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:00 to 7:30 PST. If you would like to join any of our online activities, visit the "Calendar" tab above for specific dates, times, and accompanying zoom link. You can also email for more information.

Weekly Topic for Reflection
Each week Futai offers a topic for reflection on an aspect of Zen practice. These topic are meant to be held in meditation and carried throughout ones daily life for reflection and personal insight. Some examples of topics are on blog page. To be included in the Google Group that receives the topic for reflection please contact Futai at
New Members
If you would like meditation instruction and a brief introduction to Zen practice please let us know. We offer this at 8:30 on Sunday mornings at the McNail-Riley house. Please email to confirm a time for instruction.

Practice Consultation with Futai Sensei
Futai offers individual consultation in person (daison), at the McNail-Riley House in Eugene and on Zoom. This is available whether you’re new to Zen practice, are curious and have questions or you’ve been practicing for awhile and are looking for a teacher and sangha. To schedule daison please email Futai at